Born in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), he joined the Brazilian Navy (MB) in 1981, being an Officer of the Brazilian Navy Reserve (MB), with the rank of Captain of Sea and War.
He graduated (1988) from the Naval School in Naval Sciences and holds a master's (2005) and doctorate (2014) in the same scientific area from the Naval War College, the latter with an emphasis on Maritime Policy and Strategy, whose course was intended to training for the exercise of senior management positions by MB, among others, in planning, ship rescue, damage control, onboard fire fighting, quality management (TQM), intelligence, direction, Accident and Fact Investigation of Navigation (IAFN) and Safety Investigation of Maritime Accidents and Incidents, the latter, within the scope of training to exercise the position of Maritime Authority Agent.
Externally to the MB, there are MBA courses in Business Management (2005), post-MBA in International Management (2014), both from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ/COPPEAD), specialization in Port Management (2019), by the Brazilian Association of Consultancy and Assistance in Foreign Trade (ABRACOMEX); Risk Management (ISO 31000), by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT); Casualty Investigation, Accident Investigation, Risk Management and ISM, MLC&ISPS Maritime Internal Auditor, by Lloyd's Maritime Institute.
He exercised various functions, operational and administrative, on board ships and in MB land organizations linked to the maritime sector, including the Senior Naval Administration (Staff and General Directorate of Navigation), among which the following stand out:
Chief of Staff of the General Directorate of Navigation (2015-2017)
Captain of the Ports of Rio Grande do Sul - Agent of the Brazilian Maritime Authority (attributions related to the safeguard of human life at sea; safety of navigation; protection of the marine environment and professional maritime education) (2012 - 2013)
Member of the State Commissions for Public Safety in Ports, Terminals and Waterways (CESPORTOS) (2012 - 2013)
President of the Examining Board of Trainee Practitioners, in RS (2012 - 2013)
Vice-Director of the Admiral Paulo Moreira Institute for Sea Studies (IEAPM) (2011)
In charge of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Affairs Coordination Division, of the Navy General Staff.(2008 - 2011)
Ship Commander (2004)
Ship Mate (2005-2007)
Within the scope of the IMO Affairs Coordination Division, he was a member of the Brazilian delegations that participated in various Sessions at the IMO relating to the Council, Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) and Legal Committee (LEG).
He left active service in July 2017, when he held the position of Chief of Staff of the General Directorate of Navigation and began to dedicate himself to navigation risk management, investigation of maritime accidents and incidents and to the management of navigation safety .
Awarded with several decorations, among which the following stand out:
Medal of the Order of Naval Merit, (Distinction in the exercise of the profession)
Military Gold Medal with Gold Pin (30 years of good service)
Tamandaré Order of Merit Medal (relevant services in the dissemination or strengthening of the traditions of the Brazilian Navy, honoring its achievements or highlighting its historical figures)
Medal of the Order of Merit Mariner with four anchors (distinction for the exemplary dedication to the profession and unusual interest in improving their skills on board ships when operating at sea)
Over more than 36 years of service in his naval career, he developed skills in administration, organization, planning, operations, logistics, intelligence and leadership.
With an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, he created CONMARTEC, a maritime and economic consulting company, being the first Brazilian company specialized in navigation safety, accident investigation and technical expert assistance.
Particularly, among the activities in the maritime area, there is technical expert assistance on accidents, incidents and facts of navigation, for the benefit of shipowners, vessel owners, insurance companies, waterway operators and even amateurs. providing the broad defense and the contradictory in the context of the Brazilian judicial process.
Not far in the past of mankind, States were not limited to using force to obtain the raw materials necessary for their development.
After the establishment of a World Order, this mechanism was very limited in view of the international sanctions that could be implemented. It remained to negotiate! And through foreign trade, it has been possible to supply the needs of raw materials to the different States, despite the still existing limitations resulting from the levels of economic and social development of many countries.
Thus, foreign trade is a mechanism for peace! In this context, the importance of international maritime transport arises, which, as responsible for more than 80% of the worldwide cargo handling, enables the operation of this mechanism.
In view of the above, everyone who works in foreign trade is an "Agent of Peace" and, therefore, lives up to our recognition and admiration; which makes it a pleasure to be able to serve these agents, in particular shipowners, vessel owners and seafarers; what we seek to do with ethics, respect and responsibility, committed to excellence and continuous improvement.
At the moment, the world is experiencing a sanitary, humanitarian, social and economic crisis. We sympathize with many who suffer because they have lost family and loved ones, jobs and businesses. The humanitarian crisis did not spare the seafarers, with whom we sympathize as well.
Despite all this suffering, we need to raise our heads and move on, because humanity needs each one of us, acting constantly, to build a better world. We cannot surrender or lose hope or trust in each other. We need to unite and move on, as the seven biblical plagues of Egypt have passed; the New York Stock Exchange crisis in 1929 passed; world wars have passed; and that pandemic, too, will pass.
We never lose or lose hope for a better future for humanity. Shall we build it together?
Count on us! You can trust us!
#LivesMatter - #EnvironmentMatter - #SafeNavigation